The Magic Potion That is Botox

The Magic Potion That is Botox

Can I live without Botox?

Warning: this post includes close up views of my face….scroll down at your own risk!!!!

Almost two years I decided to get Botox.

I think I needed it:

courtesy of

Just kidding…..but I really did need it.


I had sworn up and down that I would never, never, never do it. Idid not love the deep lines that were etched into my forehead, but I had earned each of them…….every laugh and every frown had left its mark on my face.  Truth be told I actually thought that it was too late for me.  Everyone I know who regularly injects have been doing so since their twenties and thirties; I have well and truly missed that benchmark.

I am not an expert by any means.  I am just sharing my experience and opinions.  But it is important to note that I would only recommend seeing a real doctor for this procedure….we have all heard the horror stories. While I believe Botox to be relatively safe and non invasive, it is imperative it be done correctly and safely. It is also important that we do not mistake botox for fillers, while both are injectables for the face designed to give a more youthful appearance they are completely different.  Botox is designed to paralyze specific muscles in the face and prevent expression lines forming and it also relaxes the lines that are already present. To be clear, Botox will only work on expression lines, it will not make a difference to skin that is thin and crepey from actual aging and sun damage.

The giant expression lines on my forehead and between my brows were my biggest problem…..apparently I have been frowning disapprovingly since infancy.

So what changed for me.  Suddenly looking in the mirror was not as pleasant an experience, not that it was ever amazing, but suddenly there was so much more to look at and not feel so great about. Those expression lines were deep and were staring to intermingle with the aging skin, it really did not feel so good.  Funnily enough the person who persuaded me the most (and bought me my first “fix” as Christmas present) was my own little Irish mother.  She said that she had wished that she could have done it when she was my age.  I hate the idea of having regrets, so I made an appointment at my local Korean dermatologist. Since then I have had it four times.

The truth is that Botox works.  It hurts a little (maybe a lot), and sometimes it can bruise, but the results are so worth it.  If you can imagine an iron being run over your forehead and the skin being smoothed almost to its former glory.  It is hard to find the words to explain how good it feels.

I have had Botox injected into my forehead and between my eyebrows three times now.  I think it is worth every penny.  I love the effect. I love how it makes me look. I did once get it around my crows feet, but I did not love that…it hurt , it was expensive and the results were not as amazing as my forehead, so I never did it again.  The injections last about 4 months for me.  After 4 months they start to wear off and at about month 6 it is all dissolved.

Me without Botox
With numbing cream, after I had had a facial with some weird Korean rubber mask.
Using ice…ouch!

I have had the nurse apply the numbing cream before the injections. It is messy and it takes about 20 minutes to take effect, but if you are not into pain it is worth it.  I have had the injections without the cream and just an ice pack and it is very painful.  The good news is the pain is fleeting, it is not sore once the injections are done.  The injection sites leave little bee stings style bumps after initial application, but these dissipate after just a few minutes.

Minutes after injections
About a month after injection….look at the smooth forehead!
How I look now….might want to start obsessing over those eye lines….and do not get me started on my lips….

The reason I am writing this is because now that we have moved, I no longer have a doctor to see for my “procedure”.  I was unsure if I would continue to Botox.  But since my last batch (which I got in July) has worn off I am positive that I will be finding a doctor in the new year to fill me up and keep me line free. It is just my way of pushing the pause button on my rapidly aging face. I simply cannot live without Botox!

Thanks for reading

♥ Criona

Just a note: The pictures in this post are mostly selfies taken on my phone, please excuse the quality.

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