I Collect Sand….

I Collect Sand….

Oh mother darling.com

About 15 years ago, when my husband and I had no disposable income, even less opportunity and three small kids, I decided to do something impulsive and I rented a house for 7 days in the Southern OuterBanks of North Carolina. I was desperate for a vacation. We were living in Northern Virginia at the time and Mr OMD worked and traveled constantly while I was home with three kids under two years old. I booked it without knowing if my husband could even come with me. All I knew was that I was going to the beach on a much needed and much deserved holiday.

I savoured every moment of that week on the beach.


It was hot, sweaty, sandy and messy, and I loved every second of it. My husband was able to come and we just had such a great family break, it was perfect in its simplicity. Lazy breakfasts, easy beach picnics for lunch and dinner out every night…..nothing fancy, mostly fast food, but no cooking!

I never wanted to leave. Along with a bucket of shells that the children collected on the beach daily, I filled up a bottle with the sand that I had been enjoying every day and I took it home with me.

So began my collection.


Ever since then, when my feet have touched the sand of a beach, I have brought a little of it home with me. I usually save some in a water or soda bottle, but I have been known to take a sock from my kids foot and bring sand home in that.


New duty stations have brought new opportunities to travel. We have been stationed in Europe, back to America, then Asia, and now back in Europe. The collection has had the opportunity to grow and become more than just a few jars of sand. I keep them all in a little cabinet in my hallway. They are not on a very obvious display, but once someone notices them they become a great topic of conversation.


To store the sand, I buy bottles in craft stores. I try to keep the look cohesive by finding ones with corks. I use tags that I stain with tea to look old and weathered and I wrap some twine around the bottle to add to the rustic look. I always note on the tag, where and when…..These are my amazing memories……This is my amazing collection. This brings me great joy.


I hope you enjoy a little look at my collection


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