I Get Dressed Every Day….

I Get Dressed Every Day….

I do not know if this makes me weird, but I actually get dressed in clothes, every day:

Every morning, regardless of what I am doing that day, I pick out an outfit to wear.  Is that strange?  I only ask because it seems so many people like to wear loungewear or pajamas during the day. I have this need to be tidy and presentable daily. I do not know if it scientifically proven but clothing definitely increases my self esteem and my productivity.

I get dressed

I get dressed

I have been known to exercise in the morning and go to the gym or out for a walk, but I never stay in my gym clothes for the day.  My only exception is if I need to scrub a bathroom or do some dirty job in my house, then I will stay in the sweats until the job is done.  Then I wash and I get dressed into clothes, even if I am not leaving the house again.

I get dressed

I get dressed

The idea of staying in my pyjamas actually makes me feel ill.  I just can’t do it.  I feel dirty and sweaty and sloppy  and lazy. It just does not feel good to me.  I know we have all seen images of people who wear pyjamas out of the house…..I simply have no words.

I get dressed

Clearly I am not an avid follower of fashion:

I do not follow trends or spend lots of time or money shopping….(with the exception of a really good handbag, but that is a different post!).  I am sure I am what the cool girls would call basic……I like to think of myself as classic. I look after my clothes and have had lots of my stuff for several years. I usually buy good quality clothing, but I almost always buy it on sale. I wear and buy what I like and the older I get the less I worry about what others think of me. I just want to feel  good about myself if I pass a mirror.

I get dressed

Please understand that as self focused as this post is, it is not because I am vain and want to talk about myself to no end.  On the contrary; this is very hard for me to publish.  I am under no illusion that I am a skinny, fashion forward, hot, young chick…..I am fully aware that I am a slightly pudgy, middle aged mother of four. I do not lead an extremely fascinating or exciting life with multiple events and galas to attend.  I am running to schools, sports events and church and if I am lucky a social event with a friend. I just want to do it while looking presentable.

I get dressed

I have started taking a〈very awkward and poor quality〉mirror selfie everyday.  I am curious what it is I am wearing everyday and I realise that I clearly have a uniform. {jeans and top for the win apparently} This process has helped me figure out what it is like to wear and what actually suits me. It is really helping me to weed through my wardrobe. So in order to add to my discomfort, I thought I might start sharing them here!

I get dressed

PS: I am not opposed to changing into loungewear in the early evening, you know when it is actually time to lounge! That is a practice I can enjoy.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed the post,

Críona ♥

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